Program Objectives: By the end of the program, participants will be able to: List the main cycles man […]
Program Objectives:
By the end of the program, participants will be able to:
List the main cycles man power and the critical steps in each.
Define strategic man power management.
Explain the vital signs which should be constantly monitored in man power .
Quantify employee morale and determine a formula for calculating it objectively.
Differentiate between types of turnover and determine how each should be calculated.
List the main types of performance management and appraisal rating systems and how and when to use each.
Program Outline:
Organization of man power
Man power Planning
Objectives of Man power
Man power Strategic
Critical Success Factors in Man power
Performance Indicators
Core Competencies and Core Values
Measuring Man power
Turnover versus Attrition (Gross and Net Turnover)
Turnover: When Is Turnover Good for the Organization?
Tangible versus Intangible Appraisal Systems
Performance & Management by Objectives (MBO) Systems