• Duration 5 jours
  • Lectures 0
  • Skill level Tous niveaux
  • Quizzes 0
  • Pass parcentages 80
  • Certificate No
  • Avatar de l’utilisateur

    Leaders Business School

  • Category:

    Al khaleej Training Courses

  • 41 enrolled students
  • english

By the end of the program, participants will be able to:  Relate their psychological types and/or learning styles to […]

Miniature du cours

By the end of the program, participants will be able to:
 Relate their psychological types and/or learning styles to instructional strategies.
 Analyze the basic assumptions and principles underlying adult learning.
 Write specific instructional learning objectives.
 Prepare an outline for a training program of their choice.
 Plan and deliver a training session relevant to their areas of expertise.
Program Outline:
Adult Learning
Assumptions and Principles of Adult Learners
Characteristics of the Adult Learner
Implications for the Trainer and the Learner
Personal Style and Instructional Strategies
Questionnaire/Instrument on Teaching/ Learning Styles
Linking Style with Instructional Strategies
Designing Training Programs
Why Write Learning Objectives?
Critiquing Poorly Written Objectives
Writing Instructional Learning Objectives (ILOs)
Main Elements of Program Design
Preparing an Outline for a Training Session
The ROPES Model of Program Design
Outline of a Training Session
Blue Print for a Training Session
Choosing the Appropriate Training Method
From Brainstorming to Case Studies
Advantages and Disadvantages of Each Method
How to Choose a Training Method
Linking Delivery Methods with Training Content
Presenting and Delivering Effective Training
Fundamentals of Effective Speaking
Verbal and Non-Verbal Components of Communication
The Passive, Passive-Aggressive and Aggressive Trainer
Assertiveness Defined
The Assertive Trainer: Characteristics and Benefits
Ways to Get Attention and Maintain Interest
Elements of Effective Feedback
Delivery and Critique of Training Sessions

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